User Agreement (the “Agreement”)

“ESCAPY B.V.” company (hereinafter referred to as the “Administration”) invites legally capable physical persons the minimal age of which is 18 to use the website (, hereinafter referred to as the “Website”) in the terms of this Agreement.

The absolute acceptance of the Agreement shall be the start of the Website use.

From the moment of acceptance, the User is considered to have read and approved this Agreement and entered into a contractual relationship with the Website Administration.

The User shall attest that the terms of the Agreement are accepted by the User without any objection, the User has understood and accepted the meaning of the terms, words and expressions used in this Agreement and on the Website, according to their regulatory definition and/or interpretation specified in this Agreement.

This Agreement does not require bilateral signing and is valid in electronic format.

1. Subject of Agreement. General Terms

Please note that Administration provides only informational services about the project’s activities and is not the game organizer. The portal has no means of verifying the quality of the services provided, and all information about the projects is gathered from public sources.

  1. This Agreement governs the relations between the User and the Website Administration. The Website Administration provides the User with a non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use the Website functionality.
  2. Exclusive rights. All the rights to the Website in whole as well as to each of its components taken separately, including its content, software and trademark, and also the rights to the use of domain name and all its third-level domains belong to the Website Administration. The transfer of the exclusive rights to the User is not contemplated by the Agreement.
    No terms of this Agreement provide the User with the right to use the company name, trademarks, domain names and other distinctive marks.
  3. Changes in the Agreement terms. The Website Administration has the right to make amendments in the terms of this Agreement and all its annexes (wholly or partly) in its reasonable discretion without the User’s consent. All the amendments enter into force on the next calendar day after their placement on the Website.
    1. The User shall follow the updates of the Agreement and its annexes by reviewing the current version of the Agreement on a periodic basis, but at least once a month. The User shall be solely responsible for any consequences arisen out of the User’s unfamiliarity with the Agreement and its annexes.
    2. In case if the User does not agree with any term of the Agreement and/or its annexes, The User must immediately stop using the Website.
  4. This Agreement consists of the following documents:
    1. "User Agreement” permanently placed in public access on the Website at;
    2. “Privacy Policy” permanently placed in public access at
2. Website Terms of Use

  1. The Information placed on the Website is related to news and information, i.e., it is disclosed for additional informing of the interested Users. The Website Administration provides a service for booking the time and location of an escape room based on the information provided by the escape rooms which are the Website partners.
  2. The information placed on the Website is received from open sources. The Website Administration is not held liable for its relevance and accuracy.
  3. The User shall agree not to take actions that can be considered as violating the laws of The Netherlands or standards of international law, including actions in the field of intellectual property, copyright and/or ancillary rights as well as any actions that lead or may lead to operation trouble of the Website and its services.
  4. When quoting the Website materials including copyrighted works, a link to the Website is required.
  5. The User’s comments and other notes on the Website must not conflict with the legislative requirements of The Netherlands and universal moral and decency principles, and must respect the rights and interests of third parties.
  6. The Website Administration reserves the right to update design, content and the list of services of the Website at any time and also change or supplement the scripts being used, software and other objects being used or stored on the Website as well as any server applications at any time with or without prior notice.
  7. The Website Administration shall provide the Website functioning and operability and shall promptly restore its operability in the case of technical malfunctions and interruptions. The Website Administration is not responsible for temporary malfunctions and interruptions in the Website operation and the loss of information caused by them. The Administration is not responsible for any damage to the User's or another person’s computer, mobile devices, any other equipment or software, caused or related to the downloading of materials from the Website or via the links placed on the Website.
  8. The User shall accept the condition that all the materials and services of the Website or any part of them may be accompanied by advertising. The User shall agree that the Website Administration does not take responsibility for it and is not under any obligations in relation to such advertising.
  9. When using the Website, the User is prohibited to:
    1. Download, store, post, distribute and provide access or use in any other way any information that:
      1. contains threats, discredits, insults, defames honor and dignity or business reputation or violates the privacy of other Users or third parties;
      2. infringes on the rights of the minors;
      3. is vulgar or obscene, contains pornographic images and texts or scenes of a sexualnature involving the minors;
      4. contains scenes of inhumane treatment of animals;
      5. contains a description of means and methods of suicide, any incitement to commit it;
      6. encourages and/or fuels racial, religious, ethnic hatred or enmity, propagates fascism or ideology of racial superiority;
      7. contains extremist materials;
      8. encourages criminal activity or contains advice, instructions or guidelines for committing criminal acts;
      9. contains information of limited access, including but not limited to, state and commercial secrets, information about the private life of third parties;
      10. contains advertising or describes the attractiveness of drug use, including “digital drugs” (sound files that affect human brain through binaural beats), information on drug spread, recipes for drug production and tips for using;
      11. is of a fraudulent nature;
      12. and also violates other rights and interests of citizens and legal entities or the requirements of laws of The Netherlands.
    2. Illegally download, store, post, distribute and provide access or use in any other way the intellectual property of the Users and third parties.
    3. Make bulk mailings of messages without the consent of the Website Users.
    4. Use the software and take actions aimed at interruption of the normal functioning of the Website and its services or the Users’ account profiles.
    5. Use automated scripts (programs) for collecting information on the Website and/or interact with the Website and its services without special permission from the Website Administration.
    6. Collect and handle personal data of the Users and third parties illegally.
    7. Provide (try to gain) access to any Services otherwise than over the interface provided by the Website Administration, except for the cases when such actions were directly permitted to the User in accordance with a separate agreement with the Website Administration.
    8. Reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, complete trade operations and resell the Services for any purpose, except for the cases when such actions were directly permitted to the User in accordance with a separate agreement with the Administration.
    9. Place any other information that, in the personal opinion of the Administration, is undesired, does not meet the purpose of creating the Website, infringes on the interests of the Users or for other reasons is undesired for Website placement.
    10. In case if the User disagrees with these Rules or their updates, the User is obliged to stop using the Website.
3. Exclusive Rights on the Website Content

  1. All the objects placed on the Website including design elements, text, graphic images, illustrations, videos, scripts, programs, music, sounds and other objects and their collections are the objects of exclusive rights of the Website Administration and other copyright holders, all the rights to these objects are reserved.
  2. The User is permitted to use the content, access to which is gained for personal non-commercial use only, on condition to maintain the copyright signs (copyrights), related rights, trademarks or other notices of authorship as well as to keep the author’s name (or pseudonym) and the relevant object unchanged.
  3. The User does not have the right to download or in any other way make available to the public (place on the Website) the content of other websites, databases and other results of intellectual activity in the absence of the expressed consent of the copyright holder to such actions.
4. Liability

  1. The Website is provided to the User in “as is” condition (as is) according to the principle generally used in international practice. This shall mean that the Website Administration is not responsible for any problems arising during the installation, updating, support and operation of the Website (including compatibility issues with other software products (packages, drivers etc.), differences between the results of the Website use and the User’s expectations etc.). The User must realize full responsibility for possible negative consequences caused by consistency or conflicts between the Website and other software products installed on the User’s computer or other device. The Website is not intended and cannot be used in information systems operating in high-risk environments or serving life support systems where the Website malfunction may endanger human lives or entail large material loss.
  2. The User shall be personally responsible for any Content or other information that the User downloads or in any other way makes available to the public (places) on the Website or through the use of it. The User does not have the right to download, transfer or place any Content on the Website if the User does not have the appropriate rights to take such actions, gained or transferred to the User under the laws of The Netherlands.
  3. The Website Administration may delete or move (without prior notice) any Content or Users at its own discretion without giving reasons, including with no limit moving or deleting the Content that, in the personal opinion of the Administration, violates this Agreement, the laws of The Netherlands and/or may violate the rights, do harm or endanger the security of other Users and third parties.
  4. The Users are responsible for their own actions related to creating and placing information on the Website under the current laws of The Netherlands. Violation of this Agreement and the current laws ofThe Netherlands shall entail civil, administrative and criminal liability.
  5. The Website Administration is not responsible for the User’s violation of this Agreement and reserves the right in its discretion, as well as when receiving information about the User’s violation of this Agreement from other Users or third parties, to change (moderate) or delete any information placed by the User that violates the prohibitions indicated in this Agreement (including private messages), and also suspend, restrict or terminate the User’s access to all or any of the sections or services of the Website at any time for any reason or without giving reasons, with or without prior notice.
  6. The Website Administration has the right to send the User information about the development of the Website and its services, and also advertise its own activities and services.
5. Personal Data Processing

  1. The User shall give consent to personal data processing by the Website Administration, including: surname, name, patronym, date of birth, e-mail address, contact phone number, IP address.
  2. This consent shall remain in force indefinitely, there is no time limit for personal data storage.
  3. TheUserhastherighttowithdrawtheconsentbypreparinganappropriatewritten document that may be sent to the address of the Website Administration by registered mail with return receipt. If the Website Administration receives a written application for withdrawal of this consent to personal data processing, the processing must be stopped.
  4. The User shall give consent to:
    1. Personal data storage on the server of the Website Administration;
    2. Using the User’s personal and statistical data to display advertisements;
    3. Sending information about services, news of the Website Administration and/or partners of the Website Administration.
  5. The Website Administration has the right to record telephone conversations with the User. In such case the Administration shall prevent attempts of unauthorized access to the information received during telephone conversations, and/or sharing it with third parties.
6. Final Provisions

This Agreement is governed and interpreted under the laws of The Netherlands. The issues not adjusted by the Agreement shall be subjected to settlement under the laws of The Netherlands.

In the case of any disputes or disagreements related to the execution of this Agreement, the User and the Website Administration shall exercise best efforts for their resolving by means of negotiations. In case if the disputes cannot be resolved by negotiations, they shall be subjected to settlement under the current statutory procedure of The Netherlands.

This Agreement shall enter into force for the User from the moment the User joins it, and shall remain in force indefinitely.

7. Website Administration Reference Details


Address: Netherlands, 1014ZP, Amsterdam, Pontsteiger 85

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