Escape game The Missing Finger

Company: AdventureRooms Cyprus

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

3 reviews


Agiou Georgiou str 9 2058 Strovolos, Nicosia ()

+357 99 199 908; +357 22 318 111

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At the same location

Квест The Original Game

The Original Game

Rating: (3 reviews)


The assisins of the Black Queen have arrested you. Her ghost is trying to communicate with you by providing some encrypted hints. You better "unlock" the messages in 70' or you will follow her faith!

A series of puzzles and experiments with items you will find in the room, will guide you to solve the mystery and escape. Test your skills, work under pressure of time and discover your other mind.

A unique and subversive game that plays exclusively in Cyprus.

One out of five teams can make it. Can you?

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